
Initially Speaking

Once I decided that my penname stuck, I realized something: it was just a teeny bit intimidating to try and read, and just a little cumbersome to type. So I eventaully decided to sign off on things as “g2 (lpi).” Just a few keystrokes, nothing too bizarre.

So, fast-forward to about a month ago. I switched between a few pictures, but I wasn’t particularly happy with any of them; it wasn’t that they looked bad, I just needed a chance of pace.

And then the idea struck.

I’d tweaked the way I initial things to the single-lined “g^2”, and I was really quite pleased with it. I thought to myself, “Why not use it in an icon?”

I tried to work a quote into my original icon, but it wasn’t easily seen in the small format ficly dictates. Besides, it looked all cluttered scaled down. So I just kept the cerealean blue initials, along with the adopted acronym.
Not very story-worthy, I don’t think, but I tried to make it work anyway.

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