
The End of the World

It was a beautiful night in New York City, and Molly Silver was not happy.

Lucas tried to calm her down, but the stomping of her heels continued ahead of him whatever he said.

“Look, Mols, it’s not the end of the world-“ Lucas held out his hand, trying to reach his sister.

Molly spun around, her body bent forward aggressively. “Not the end of the world? Not the end of the world?” she was gearing up for a blowout, Lucas could tell.

“Yeah, Molly. It’s not the end of the world.” Lucas said softly.

Suddenly, all the fight seemed to go out of her. She slumped down onto a nearby bench. “But it’s the end of MY world…” she whispered.

Lucas sat down next to her and quickly put his arms around her tightly as she began to sob. A few tears leaked out of Lucas’s eyes as well as they held on to each other, the knowledge of what they had just heard beating fast in both their hearts.

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