
Tranquil and Fiery

They bloom in fiery and tranquil shades
Oh, how curious these mortals be,
They fight and kill each day.
And yet,
They love and care, with hearts they feel.

They choose to be bound to the soil of the earth.
Their minds are free to soar, but still
They frolic in trivialities, none of any worth.
They grow rotten to the core

Each day!
Oh what fools these mortals be! They suffer and die
Each day!

They grow rotten to the core
They frolic in trivialities, none of any worth.
Their minds are free to soar, but still
They choose to be bound to the soil of the earth.

They love and care, with hearts they feel
And yet,
They fight and kill each day.
Oh, how curious these mortals be,
They bloom in fiery and tranquil shades

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