The Spanish segments of this story were provided by online translators. I don’t know more than four words of Spanish so I can’t be sure they’re accurate. I’m willing to correct any mistakes if you point them out, though.
Now, even though I’m as much of a stickler for spanish as a non-native speaker can try to be, the use of translator (and all the non-exactness they provide), to me, just sort of works here. I have no clue why, but it does.
And even though the real things would be “waking (myself) up=despertándome,” and “(it is) not fun=no es divertido,” you are by no means obligated to change them. Personally I like the inaccuracies.
those musical warts will give you away though! can’t play hide-n-seek, can’t have a moment of silence.. lol best side effect, and the back to life part is hilarious.. learning new skills. or accessing new parts of the brain? hmm
On suddenly learning Spanish, I just kind of wanted to hint that a person couldn’t die and come back without SOME sort of change to who they were. Especially when they’ve died that many times. Where the Spanish comes from, and why, I have no idea.