Polite Reservation
The veil of night set in as she walks up the manicured path of the home set aside for Emiko in Shiro Matsu, the evening in court resting heavy in her thoughts. She slide the shoji screen open and steps lightly into the quiet walls of her home. Closing the screen behind her before slipping her sandals off she and moving to a lantern. As she makes to light it she hears a voice over her shoulder, a sound like the wind she has come to know as Tai; the voice and ears of Shosuro Yadoka.
“The dark suits us, leave it be.” he commands.
She turns to face the formless voice, “If you wish, Tai-sama. What brings you here this at this later hour?"
“A matter in Shiro Daidoji needs your attention, Emiko-san.” He responds, his voice a smooth cadence.
“And what needs to be done for the Crane, Tai-sama?” Emiko moves to the side, placing him between her and a rice paper window, silhouetting his lanky form. His posture one of relaxed attention, like a beast of prey waiting for his moment to strike.