

“Tonight’s game, the HOMEBOYS against THEM OTHER DUDES. Ready for kick-off.
There’s the kick! And THEM OTHER DUDES start the game on the 20, the 30, the 40 and they are down on the HOMEBOYS own 45 yardline.
The HOMEBOYS keep THEM OTHER DUDES down on the ground until all the shooting has ended. Now THEM OTHER DUDES are up and pissed so the game must go on.
THEM OTHER DUDES offer a challenge of knives this time and the HOMEBOYS take up the challenge and are now on the 50 yardline and barrelling forward.
The HOMEBOYS have some players down and are being pulled to the sidelines.
THEM OTHER DUDES now think they have the HOMEBOYS whipped so they turn to leave the playing field only to be hammered from behind by the second team of HOMEBOYS.
The HOMEBOYS come at THEM OTHER DUDES with everything they have left, chains, clubs, brass knuckles.
THEM OTHER DUDES prove to be ready at each yardline.
It looks to me that the HOMEBOYS have too many players that can’t go on.
Tonight, a defeat for the HOMEBOYS.”

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