Once upon a time, this little sprig of broccoli could have risen no higher than a fiber-rich substance. It was quite a dead-end career, so to speak.
But that was once upon a time, as fairytales are so quick to remind us. And now, this sprig of broccoli, thought technically still a fiber lover’s stomach’s dream date, has risen above his fellow men and become something totally unique.
It all started when a man named Eddie came along into the garden patch. Everyone knew from the time he first entered the small enclosure that he was no regular Joe, for his name tag said Eddie.
From the moment of his entering, everything changed, and nothing stayed the same. Giggles abounded from his wise-cracks, and his kooky criticism actually helped the tomatoes grow ripe in an off-season.
And he helped this little sprig of broccoli, constrained in his dead-end career, become something more, just by bending down, picking it by the stem, putting it on his head, and declaring it…