
Crush Kill Destroy

All I know is, I fell asleep when I was supposed to be studying.

One minute, I was frantically typing up a paper on Antarctica and knocking back the Red Bulls like there was no tomorrow, and the next, I’m drooling on my laptop. I don’t even know what woke me up.

All I know is, I opened my eyes, wiped the sticky pool of spit from my chin and stared bleary eyed at the computer screen.

It read: Antarctica is actually considered a desert due to the lack of rainfall… I AM GOING TO KILL YOU

And now it’s 3:42am and I can’t sleep. Or breathe. Or think thoughts other then “Holy fuck” and “I want my mum”.

All I know is, my room mate Dusty is in Hawaii and I’m home alone. The doors and windows are locked – I’ve checked them approximately 200 times – and I’m pretty sure Randy the goldfish doesn’t have the ability to manipulate keyboards with his fishy little fins. So one giant question in bold typeface remains…
Is my computer homicidal? Or is this some sort of elaborate internet hoax?

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