

He watched the girls do cartwheels. Their hair flew and whipped around. They were all laughing. Even when the sprinklers came on. It was odd seeing normally prim-and-proper girls getting their hands dirty in the ensuing mud stew.

He wondered how dirty they were willing to get and sneered to himself. Never for him though, he was sure. Those girls would never get dirty for him, never do anything in front of him that would break down their cool and collected facades. Only when he watched from afar.

He wished he could dig deep, find out what was really underneath those sorority girls’ skins. Instead, he slung his backpack over his shoulder to continue on his way to his class. Nothing he could do now anyway, now that the semester was almost over. Soon the campus and the college town around it will be deserted for a few weeks, and he’d be left alone to stew in his own thoughts.

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