True Love
She lays at my feet.
I get up to get a drink and she paitiently waits. She wags her tail and is content with my return.
When I leave for work, she lays in her bed knowing and understanding that I must leave. She doesn’t question it, doesn’t whine about it. Upon my return, she is grateful, excited, jumping for joy. She only askes for food, shelter, and an occasional pat on the head.
Of course, knowing this, I have to give her more. We go run in the yard, play catch with her tennis ball, and splash in the pond.
I deeply love my dog and she loves me.
There is one thing I don’t understand. If we all came from the same maker, why is it so difficult for one species to be so free-flowing with their love and shallow demands while another is always expecting respect, demanding attention, and needing constant reassurances of love? Have our demands and expectations for love outweighed the free-ness of the feeling?
I don’t know, maybe I’ll ask my dog.