
Chapter 1

Legendary hero’s have been talked about before the written word was known. When written about, in the bible, or by the Greeks, modern civilization chalked it up to amazing fantasy, stories to solve problems or explain the origins of something. What if they weren’t all fantasy? What if the mythical creatures, hero’s, and journey’s were real? And what if the power that had created such things was simply laying dormant for the right time, for the right person.

The midday sun set fire to the back of the leather skinned workers of the Mayan people as they finished construction on the Olmec, a pyramid structure similar to those in Egypt. Out of the suffocating humidity came a monument unparalleled by Western cultures of the time. Its precision unmatched; its craftsmanship remarkable. Set apart from the workers stood a man; tall, with chiseled features and superior athletic disposition. His clothing, different from the other Mayans, was composed of a thigh length skirt and various arm bands.

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