Check Out Time At The Witching Hour.
“Get the fuct away from me” I screamed at the scare crow clad in a plaid ‘Joseph suit of many colors’ three piece suit.
“I will leave you to your thoughts.” He answered with a lecherous voice, that made my already terrified body loose what little blood the cords had allowed me.
As the chair pulled me into its depths, I felt small cold dirty hands pulling my face tight, stretching my skin across bone. In a world of velvet confinement, with lecherous infant hands tugging at the loose skin on every part of my body, I tried to scream.
Screaming is an act that requires air.
There was no air.
There was no sound.
Only clutching and fondling.
One of the creatures nuzzled in my bosom, and held my face to its, revealing it’s smooth eyeless, mouthless, noseless, face; Yet somehow it was smiling.
I swatted and swung, with all the fight I had, which isn’t much, seeing I had never been in one.
The little mongrels overtook me, and I awoke to the Manager saying, “Will you be needing service today, Mam?”