This story comes at an unusual time for me. I just heard that a classmate of mine committed suicide last week. We weren’t close, but it was disquieting, nonetheless. Interesting perspective on that dynamic.
I didn’t follow this at all. Maybe the Mountain Dew hasn’t kicked in yet. I think I got the overall point/gyst, but a lot of it just wound up disjointed and without a clear context.
Thanks Miles and Elsha. The suicide was the main theme. Rather than proof reading I just cut out whole sentences which spoiled the effect THX .sorry about that. Sorry Miles about your friend it gets easier as you find joy in other activities and with other friends.
This so intense i dont even want to read the other comments i hope if this drew off of personal experience, you have someone to talk to. This really disturbed me.
Oh shucks mjy. Thanks for caring. No it isn’t real. I’m in a very good place in life. As they say in Australia’wouldn’t be dead for quids’ (A quid was an aussie slang word used to denote the previous Aussie currency of two pound prior to decimal currency being adopted.)