you’ve done it again, Muffy!
I read this. I like it. This is the end of my comment.
p.s. whatever happened to “Mufficide”?
I have no ideas lol
awesome but delete the tags, we arent SHEEP, we are writers we can think on our own. 567pencils
im not a sheep. im a fish. the word orgasmic makes me laugh because of the rusty spoons. i hate hitler. the end.
alrighty well when you get some, lemme know! =)
No problemo
Certainly didn’t see that coming. Nicely done!
see me comment? I read it. I leave note. This was misleading, great twist!
Really muff you are a golden God
Apoc, thats facking hilarious.
Godwins law.
Godwin’s Law applies to interwebnet discussions, not works of fiction. So ner. Nice twist there, Mr. Muffin.
Godwin’s Law applies to interwebnet discussions, not works of fiction. So ner.
Nice twist there, Mr. Muffin.
I feel very honored :D Thanks to all!!!
I know, I thought it was funny if enough story posting lead down the same path as a usenet discussion.
Twyst, I think we’re showing our age. StudMuffin here wasn’t even born when us oldies first set sail on usenet, when gopher was the way you found stuff and Netscape was shiny and new. Hey ho.
Twyst, I think we’re showing our age. StudMuffin here wasn’t even born when us oldies first set sail on usenet, when gopher was the way you found stuff and Netscape was shiny and new.
Hey ho.
I think I just died a little. No joke. Awesome job, that’s the most unexpected twist I’ve ever seen. My jaw actually dropped. :D
To think I was going to give this a five….. sorry Muffy have ten.
Elisabeth L. Davis(LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
The Fantastic Mister Fish
StudMuffin (LoA)
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)
Lone Writer
StudMuffin (LoA)