Woah. Scary stuff. I’m left a little confused, though. Is Trisha a used car or a daughter? I’m assuming the latter because of the mother’s reaction, but that doesn’t really fit with the title.
Hey ho. It’s not hard to confuse me, so don’t worry overmuch.
who could have ever have figured out how you came by that name? good story though. hey i saw you like sci fi there is a cyberpunk challenge up.http://ficly.com/challenges/251 please go enter it’ll be fun I love cyberpunk
I don’t really think it matters how he came by the name. It’s better than it being named “Spider in the Forest!!”
Like it a lot, especially the last sentence of the first paragraph. Some of the words surrounding the deer seem awkward, to me – the word “frayed” in relation to how the deer appears, I just think there might be a better way to describe it. Also, “drags” instead of saying that the deer was being dragged seems odd, but it might just be personal preference, there.