
Begin Again


You know those people? The iffers and butters, the ones who live in a world of might-have-been’s and maybe’s?

If perchance…

You do, you might understand me. Apart from, I do things a bit differently. It’s painful, and sometimes a little disturbing, but time travel really has its own unique charm!

I know, I know…

But please don’t judge. Sometimes it starts like a daydream, like a fuggy, claustrophobic mesmerism. The kind of meandering train of thought that leaves you snuggled up in a quiet corner of your brain, reminiscing, even changing your past in your head.

Apart from…

I actually do it. That’s how I met her. How I changed everything. For the better?

Do excuse me…

I’m getting ahead of myself. I really ought to start from the beginning.


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