
Machine Twin

“What the FUCK is this?” Susan screamed. “What the hell were you thinking?”

She’d found her in the cupboard, under the stairs. Dressed in the black basque I’d bought her a few days ago.

“I thought you loved me! I never even considered that you could cheat on me – but this is worse! I’m disgusted, it makes me feel dirty and used – how could you?” She backed away into the corner, sobbing.
“I mean, this is sick! You bastard!” She was crying now, wailing. “She looks like me – you had them make a machine that looks just like me, to have your sick fantasies without me!”

Suddenly, she picked up the lamp from the hall table. With a furious rage she lashed out, hitting her with a sickening thud, her head rolling off down the hall.

“Go to hell, you bastard! You and your sick doll!” she shouted triumphantly, storming out the door.

I picked up her head, nestling it close to my chest.

“It’s alright,” I said, quietly. “She’s gone now.”
“You’re not alike at all, really. Its always been you I loved, not her.”

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