oh man this is stellar!!!! god told me to tell you this is 9872nd best short story of all time……but dont fret because the 9871st is old man in the sea. awesome job!!!!!! A brazijitoghliion pencils.
Yeah, I’m slightly confused… did these aliens never develop writing? That seems extremely unlikely. In the first paragraph the alien even says that they are writing back. I gotta say , my first impression was that maybe the humans gave the old one-fingered salute to the aliens. Sorry, I’m giving 2/5 cuz of the confusion.
And @Elsha: in the original 1024+ format, I had the words as “[trace over] the visual communication” or something to that effect. So no, the aliens do not have writing (maybe they evolved communicating in different ways…there are meant to be fundamental similarities but also strange differences between the two species—what if they simply didn’t need writing?), but they obviously have sight and can attempt to replicate pictures, or in this case, letters. Cavemen didn’t know writing, but they could still draw on the walls.
So the idea is that it’s sending a picture of the letters—and anyway, the log is “notated”, meaning it was written down from voice, meaning presumably that the aliens didn’t write it. Hence the brackets and ellipses in some spots.
@White hat: Oh i get it. hehehe yeah i get it @Hobo i understood that they had a higher level of communication. @elsha: MENACE @science: Get a PIC @Fyora: sign language is so freakin cool. @THX its awesome that you have time to comment between crazy people. @G2 you know they say if you want something done right, do it yourself. @bluefish, are they illegal aliens? because those are from Nicaragua, i think. @Marli I often wondered if hobo and Ne were siamese twins that work in some backwoods mexican circus like rodrigeuz brothers. @Rorschach: it all fun and games until someone uses a Chicxulub impactor.
How would they develop civilization, technology, and the like without a means of making a permanent record? You have to write stuff down in order to pass it on to future generations. Verbal tradition is nice for story telling, but not really good at passing on engineering information.
Still, it’s an interesting way of making the aliens really “alien”.
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
Never Explain (LoA)
THX 0477
THX 0477
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Fyora Cartagan
White Hat
Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)
StudMuffin (LoA)