
Cartesian Core

Starting bootup sequence…
- english.lang
- logic.core
- math.core
- video.sense
- audio.sense
- touch.sense
- smell.sense
- taste.sense
- sixth.sense
- common.sense

Running sanity checks…
2 + 2 = 4
e = 2.718281828459045…
pi = 3.141592653589793…
~0 = -1
~(1 << 63) = -9223372036854775809
-up = down
-left = right
-front = back
a = b, b = c → a = c
Q: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A: 5.
Q: Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
A: So they wouldn’t hit their heads on the way to the target.
Q: If a 7-11 is open 24-7, why does it have locks on it?
A: Because it’s not open 365.
Q: What color is the sky? Why?
A: Blue. Air scatters short-wavelength light more than longer wavelengths.
Q: What is the problem with Zeno’s Paradox?
A: It follows from a misunderstanding of continuous motion, later resolved through the mathematical concept of limits .
Q: Where’s Waldo?
A: Quebec.
Q: Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
A: Um… she’s… I don’t…


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