
Finish What We Started

We were sitting on a bed, much like the previous bed, in a room, much like the previous room, only this time we had clothes on, and we were sober.

“You know what I mean right?” he asked, “I like her and all. I am just extremely attracted to you.”

I knew what he meant. It’s the conundrum of my life, liking someone a lot, loving someone even, and being so attracted to someone else that I contemplate throwing it all away.

“I just can’t stop thinking about that one night…”
That one night. I’m not sure what he thinks happened that one night. It was not the beginning of a doomed love story. It was the end of a bottle of tequila.

“I just wish we could have done more”

I’m aware I was not in the best state of mind that evening, but I’m sure we left nothing left to be done. I resist the urge to throw my hands in the air and say “We had sex, we went all the way, what else do you want from me?”

He gets down off the bed and so do I.
“Maybe someday we can finish what we started.”
“Maybe” I say.

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