Alternative TJ Universe
Okay, we can spend our summer holidays on the Moon and the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. Boring piece of rock, but you can’t see even that because you’re shielded by fucking airtight domes, because the human species is so pathetic that you would explode like aaaurgh-PFFFFFFT-pft-pffft before you could realize you’re suffocating outside. What happened to the dreams of virtual reality and continual communication throughout the world, sharing information through a network of supercomputers?! Billions of dollars for another big fucking Hilton at the edge of the solar system, which looks exactly like the one in New York city, that’s our best achievement!
We Suck. Peace! The Fuck! Out!
(In case you didn’t see the original: I know this ficlet is lame but I hope it conveys what my impression was about TJ’s latest “comedy” routine. I love this guy but… he used to be funnier.)