Journaling Part Two
I asked my therapist, Jennie, why I have to write in this stupid book and she actually took Frankie’s side. And, yes, before you ask, Jennie the bartender is a therapist. Everyone always laughs when I tell them this. I actually don’t understand why. Having Jennie listen to me talk is much more refreshing than having Barbara, the therapist Frankie hired for me, lecture me on the importance of life and how my soul is being crushed by a gargantuan mass of hatred and sorrow.
Yes, she actually said these exact words. More than once.
Megan says that she thinks it’s a good idea. She keeps a diary and carries it with her EVERYWHERE, and I mean everywhere. Once I spotted her coming out of the bathroom during APM&S with her diary.
Actually, now that I think about it, Megan always spends a whole lot of time during APM&S in the bathroom. I wonder what she does in there… Never mind. I’m having second thoughts. I really don’t want to know.