
Optimistic Anthropic Principle

“Wait, what?”
“The Optimistic Anthropic Principle.”
“Okay… what?”
“Well, ever since scientists have speculated about multiple histories of the universe, and about the Anthropic principle – you know, we’re in this universe because we’re in this one and if we weren’t then we won’t be – well, everything’s kinda messed up.”
‘And then here comes the theory that we all live in our own universe, our own little bubble of observations! I mean, wow! This is crazy, man!"
“What are you getting at?”
“See, if we do live in our own universe, and the anthropic principle really is true, then won’t that mean that, at least retroactively, we would be observing in our own personal universe the most optimal life we could have? And that no matter what we do, we won’t observe ourselves dying until the longest possible lifetime we can have!"
“… Okay…”
“Get it? Let’s do it then!”

After the fact, I realized I shouldn’t have let him talk me into tying him up on the rail tracks.

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