Feels like it should be read as metaphor, quite obviously. I couldn’t quite get what that was though. I think I got lost somewhere in the middle, about the origin/nature of seed. All the same, the whole thing speaks very effectively of a sense of loss and the trepidation associated with restarting after a devastation.
I tried to express a LOT in one post. To sum it up: The seed is just that, a seed, small and fragile, waiting to grow. It doesn’t even know, itself, what it’s going to grow into. The seed came from a great evil, a tyrant, a dictator if you will who lost everything and is now hoping it can change it’s evil ways, unsure if it’s even deserving. It went from all an all powerful raging beast of sorts to a fragile hope clinging to life, surrounded by it’s own wrongdoing. I hope that clears it up a little.