
Just One Bite Of The Apple. (Part 2 Of The 4 Part Miniseries)

The Mom was leggy drink of water with a kind of quiet desperation that told me she was in a pinch. She said they had been to therapists with the girl but the head shrinkers couldn’t help. Evidently the little debutante believes she is an alien, so I just plugged in and went to work.
The hard line that routed our heads together through the main frame always reminded of me grade school. There was something about the circuitry that gave you a weird smell. Who knows? Maybe I drank too much or had dropped a
cigarette inside the processor because I shouldn’t have been able to smell, but it sure smelled like my old grade school.
I quickly found the little jewel in the mainframe.
“Where is this place Mister?”
“Somewhere safe. So whats your scoop Chelsea?”
“I hate that name. My real name is Lillith.”
“Why do they call you Chelsea?”
“Because they are meat sacks.”
“I want to help you.”
“I thought we had come here to find Adam.”
“Who is Adam?”
“The last of my species, my soulmate.”

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