
His Protector (part 2)

“Mom! She’s on here again!” Jenny frantically yelled. After Karen entered the room and read the message she phoned her husband who was on a business trip.

“Honey, I don’t know what to do!” Karen cried softly into the phone. “This time it said, ‘As I told you before, I might not be able to touch you physically but I can tear you up with my words. Your sister was a witch. She had spells and she bewitched my son. He couldn’t escape her powers but I am strong, stronger than he is and I will protect him from your family. You being her sister, also have those abilities to cast spells. You got them from your mother, I know, cause I have been watching.”

“The police won’t help, I have already asked them.” Karen said with defeat.

As she started to express more anxious feelings to her husband, her daughter screamed. Karen ran up to her room, phone in hand, to find her daughter frozen in fear and staring at the computer screen.

It said, “Tell your mother to hang up the phone.” Just then the phone went dead.

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