I encountered this yesterday as I wrote for the 3-Day Novel Contest. (Side note: I actually am part Bohemian.)
I encountered this yesterday as I wrote for the 3-Day Novel Contest.
(Side note: I actually am part Bohemian.)
I’ve felt like there’s a story somewhere inside me waiting to be told. I thought Bohemian was the style that the Olsen twins dress in? Oh, and also a town on Long Island.
I’ve felt like there’s a story somewhere inside me waiting to be told.
I thought Bohemian was the style that the Olsen twins dress in? Oh, and also a town on Long Island.
The age-old cure for Blighter’s Rock… write about it :-) I loved the line with seven different stories about seven different things – “lunar voyage, tuna casserole” – something about that line just worked for me. Enjoying your writing!
The best part is I wasn’t making that up, I really did start seven stories about those seven topics haha