
the Sands of Time - part 1 - Genesis.

“We are a self centered race, the thought that anything like the event of 2015, or indeed the disastrous event of 2080, were nothing more to us than fiction.” – remarks attributed to Nelson Malacruz

I have lived a very long time’ thought vice admiral Gregory Peckham. ‘too long, perhaps.

Admiral Peckham had the responsibility of handling the relocation centers on Mars, and the over 300,000 displaced human beings living there. But, he knew the move to mars was a temporary solution to the problems on Earth.

“Admiral!” shouted an ensign with a sharp salute.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Sir, the Earth has reported 20 percent evacuation complete.”

“They should be at twice that by now.”

Before the ensign could reply, their was the sound of scrapping metal as one of the cargo ships anti-gravity engines failed. The ship plummeted 14 meters, crashing into the ground below.

“Blast! the Earth has got us using trash out here!” the admiral exclaimed.

we are a doomed people.’ the admiral thought to himself.

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