the Sands of Time - Doctors Tale - part 5.
Active Log:
“April 13th, 2106, Chief Medical Officer Doctor Anna Wilson, assisting Greta Zells.”
“Lieutenant Lawton, managed to bring us two of the genetically engineered human beings.”
“We are currently performing an autopsy on John Doe 1, John Doe 2 is being kept in the freezer under the watchful eye of the lieutenant.”
“Note, the subjects skin appears to darken the more light it is exposed to. Here on the Dione settlement, under examination skin appears pure black.”
“Mr. Doe’s skin is too thick for any of our standard medical scalpels to pierce, we hav—”
“… One doesn’t say ‘huh’ during an autopsy Greta.”
“I’m sorry ma’am but the bullet wounds that killed him, are only 2 centimeters deep.”
“That can’t be right.”
[Computer note, sounds akin to shuffling]
“hehe, you said ‘huh’ during an autopsy.”
“[Censored] Greta this is serious! Go back to the instrument panel.”
“Right away, doctor.”
[More shuffling]
“um, doctor? it’s eyes are open.”
“[…… unidentifiable language used …..]”