The creepy stalker.
This is a true story…
Hi I’m Ashley Nichole and all though a few people know who the stalker is i ask they remain silent. This year I’m in eighth grade and some of my freinds know my stalker. He text me and all he talks about are my freinds Rennee & Emo Rabbit. Besides that he talks about his dick and me. Having a stalker in the same grade as you who knows all your classes is creepy. Also he knows Rennee and Emo Rabbit’s schedules. He knows my locker combo to. I just wish he would leave. His cousins help watch me cuz they ride my bus. The stalker ( Bob) and his cousins ( Jim and Reggie) keep up with me no matter where I go. They all know were i go on Monday and Friday nights and there always there lurking in the shadows. Bob is a really short Jackass who has dated every girl in my school. He has dated Emo Rabbit, Nichole, and me. Luckily Emo Rabbit and I told Rennee not to go out with him and she listened. To protect identities every one is under a code name.