the first paragraph is killer, way to many run-ons! and the setting is kind of odd.. plus what’s the killer’s motivation? blood does not a horror make.. its the thrill, and while you feel the tension here, you set us up with some foreshadowing earlier that just made the blood seem excessive. My fav part, when he looked through the hay and found.. nothing.. that was suspenseful, yet predictable.
grammer, pucuation, and spelling have already been discussed in the comments, so I won’t go over it again.
writing style: a little verbose, for example "terrified at the sight he had just seen the sight that he had seen was his entire family " could have been summed up with “terrified at sight of his entire family”. Trimming the fat in those areas would have allowed you to write more details were needed.
Plot: Not much supense, mostly just blood and gore. ok, if that’s what you are going for. I would suggest going old school horror. Read up on stories by Ambrose Bierce (great many of his short stories are littered all over the web for free), Bram Stoker (drakula!), Robert Lewis Stevenson , Franz Kafka (see the story “The Trial”), and Clive Barker (that’s right, the Hell Raiser guy).
well if i ever have to do a story for english i think i will use this one although alot of changes need to be made looking at peoples diffrent opinions