I think the most worthwhile rights in history were taken, not given. Monarchies, dictatorships, and government oppression have only been toppled through opposition. Some cases faced unyielding foes, forcing the destruction of people and institutions. If the world is not to our liking, our hands have the ability to create something new or destroy it all.
“our hands have the ability to create something new or destroy it all”
Are you sure about that? I come from a working-class district… just read Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier to get the picture. Do you think if anybody could change the place for the better, they wouldn’t? Problem is, they have no means to do so. I’m not just talking about money – no weapons, barely enough bread to feed themselves and clothes to cover their bodies, no strength to stand against armed policemen paid by the rich. Just think about it.
Lovely, with an impassioned feel to it. May have gone a bit broad, including so many different things, but hard to say and probably just a consequence of the limited space.