It’s nice and works very well as metaphor or allegory. And it reminds me of a cartoon I watched when I was younger, I think called ‘Water Babies’. But I might have the title wrong.
my dark and twisted muse of tragedy is a bit miffed at the sunny-side up fateful acceptance, but what does she know anyway. If she had her way, I would be writing Die Hard Fan Fiction. So, I liked it. It had a bunnies playing in daisies sort of feel to it. I don’t know if any of that made sense, but that’s my 5 pencil comment. Take it or leave it.
An interesting story. Seemingly unrelated to the one that came before, except thematically. The first one was more kind of abstract, but this is…I guess abstract in a different way. Not playing games with word sounds, but taking the idea of a whirlpool and making it symbolic. Interesting.
True…though I’m not sure how it could have related except for thematically. It’s not a story so there are no characters, plot, etc. More of a “relation” than a sequel, I guess.