Why did you rate your own story and why did you give it 5 pencils? And really if the rules of a challenge are lame, you are the ultimate editor..DON’T ENTER!!! Instead of showing your obstinance by entering incorrectly with a midwestern vampire story followed by a criticism of the rules. Really what are you so bitter about? Did your girlfriend dump you, kids made fun of you at school, do you have a funny voice. What makes you so insecure, that you come on here and lash out at us day after day. I am sorry for whoever didnt love you enough, but maybe i see why.
So… I lose the contest? Who cares? Just here writing stuff, I was going to follow the rules but my story took me another direction… so, chill out maybe?
The 5/5 was a 1/5 as I refreshed the page with 1 pencil accidentally selected, unfortunately there’s no “clear pencils” option, so, I liked the story and figured 5/5, why not?
Young… you keep trying to pick a fight for some reason. You reeeeally don’t get my sarcasm/humor, which for a writer, is kinda sad. You take all this Ficly stuff pretty personal, which I’m sorry for I guess. But it’s pretty childish to get personal on an anonymous forum, take notice I don’t get personal even when someone insinuates all sorts of things.
Twyst – you can write any stories you like on here, you don’t have to enter challenges that don’t match your story, any more than you have to write stories that meet challenges.
I appreciate that sometimes a story starts off in an unexpected direction, and sometimes it makes sense to bend the rules a little, but when a challenge is one about structure, its pretty hard to justify ignoring the rules, unless you’re just doing it to grab attention and get your story read (which I stopped doing at the second multi-syllable word).
Docked a pencil for the general contempt/attitude.
Gave a pencil cause I’m a sucker for someone being a little subversive.
Ain’t I a study in contradictions? You go on and do your thing, cause you seem okay with the types of reactions you have gotten and are bound to continue to get.
It’s a good story. I’m just confused why you entered it in this challenge, when it would be perfectly at home somewhere else on the site. It’s obvious you weren’t really trying to keep your words monosyllabic, so… what’s the point?