The Glass of Whiskey That Shattered an Ego
“We’re going to mess you up, man.” the towering troll of a man said, “We’re going to put you in the hospital.” The Troll gestured to his pal, The White Knight. The White Knight wore a white leather jacket, gel stiffened bleach blond hair, and a little black soul patch beneath his lip. They both smiled and laughed, squaring up on me.
“Well, fellas, let me pay for this drink and we’ll get this little party started.” I responded, opening my wallet.
“I knew it,” the Troll said, “No balls.”
My sweaty hands held two sweaty glasses. I emptied one of them into my throat, wincing as I swallowed fiery whiskey . Now hefting an empty in each hand, I smashed drink glasses into the faces of the two men. I hit the Troll and then The White Knight, before being dragged out of the bar by a bouncer. Both were in shock, clutching lacerated faces embedded with glass shards, with blood gushing between trembling fingers.
“Holy shit,” someone said, “that big guy is crying”
“Happy New Year!” I yelled, involuntarily exiting the bar.