Hunter: Okay!
“Okay, class, welcome to Supernatural 101.” What? A voice in my head spat, That’s not right at all! Oh, hi, Carlie.
Carlie’s here?
Yes, you idiots, Carlie’s here.
I suddenly got the sensation of being tackled. “Mmph!” I muffled noise escaped me as I was thrown forward in my seat. Joseph and Amy looked at me for a minute, then looked back at the teacher. “I am Mrs. Worn, and I hope we will not have any future incidents—” The voices in my head cut her off. There was three, I decided. The first one… His name was Jason, the second, his name was Mack, and the third’s name was Tim.
Carlie! Carlie!
“What?” I muttered under my breath, but Amy still hear me, and looked at me curiously.
Caaarlie! Caaa-
The loud echo of a slap rang out, made my face sting for a minute, and then it faded. Jason had smacked Tim, from what I understood.
The both of you might do well to shut up before we give Carlie a headache.
Mack grumbled and I nodded vigorously. “Carlie!” Worn snapped.