
Hunter: Trouble!

“Uh, yes, Mrs. Worn?”
“Do you have a problem with my teaching, Ms. Carlie?”
“No, Mrs. Worn.”
“Very well then.”

She went on to explain class rules and regulations, and all the while I was getting more confused. Supernatural? As in, werewolves and stuff?

Yes, as in werewolves and stuff, as you so rudely put it.

Oh. Tim yelled, then yelped as Mack smacked him hard in the back of the head, effectively giving me a headache that faded in a few minutes. The reason I knew this, that he was being smacked? I could feel it. It was like my nerves were connected to theirs, and whenever one of them touched something or got hurt, I felt it. It faded quickly for me, while the pain lasted for them. I sucked in a breath and tuned them out, one by one, or at least, tuned Tim out. Soon it was just silence, with the occasional quiet word that passed between Mack and Jason.

I focused then on the schoolwork, coping down the notes studiously, and as soon as the bell rang I was out the door. The Doctor was waiting for me…

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