
The Continuing Adventures of Laura Rosenbalm, Timewitch

Laura Rosenbalm, who defeated Saddam Hussein Al-Tikrit in a 2003 arcane duel, was slipping backwards through time. She had returned a time traveling soldier named Bradley Smith to 2001, thwarting a terrorist attack. Laura had rescued Jimmy-Ray, the veteran farmer, from a cruise missile strike before returning him to 1949. The time stream didn’t leave her in 1949, for some reason, and she was watching the world’s events spin backwards. She relived the horrors of World War Two in reverse at ten times normal speed. Laura came upon the trench lined battlefields of 1918 Europe, where time began to slow it’s reverse. The swirling blur of backwards time stopped, and Laura found herself standing outside a German field hospital.

Dressed in a nurse’s uniform, shoes buried in cold mud, and holding a clipboard; Laura heard shells thump in the distance. A nurse stormed outside, cursing “the little corporal who got gassed”. Laura smiled, reading the name on the clipboard and producing her wand.
“Let me take care of him.”

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