
homecoming surprise

When the homecoming committee voted on an outdoor homecoming everyone was on board. The girls took to decorating the lower field with white awnings and many candles. The boys built a elevated wooden dance floor in shop class. The gym teacher’s breathed sighs of relief, for no scuff marks would be found on their new floors.

The football game would conclude just around sunset and everyone thought it would be romantic to have a dance lit up by the colors of the setting sun and sounds that combined the music of the songs and the rhythm of town just down the hill.

After a spectacular game (that we won, of course) against Northern Heights, our rivals, everyone proceeded in dresses and football uniforms and ties to the lower field. The girls danced with their boys. and it was to be a night to remember, a the start of a great season and a wonderful dance.

Everyone was in attendance, everyone except me. Because I knew something the others didn’t: That no one reminded the janitors to turn off the lawn sprinklers…

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