services rendered
your heart was not the target
i saw in you
power and passion untapped
trapped and bound inside not hearing your voice, careless of your mind.
i knew i could reveal your dark chest starved and cloaked
and order your release, fly with your mind, uncharted
certain i fed your desire
but when i suspected you fell deep
i fled head hung low
be free
try again, look to the stars
your beauty is marching and your head chokes its stride
sing, shake and pluck at the moments
hurl your fire into the night sky, brilliant
against chord bound braced in life
and light that came in that night
it must not be for me
though i saw its first blossom
when i entered, i paid to see you shine and for you to know the sun and how to find it again and not to let go of that most treasured thing.
you, you… it’s you
when bondage sets you free
fed, content and certain
not wanton
but safe
with mind assured and eyes bright seeking
your aching body in tune and the whole is fulfilled
i would look on you again
but you must know where i wait