I’m trying to keep the same voice I had in the first one… which you did a really good job of maintaining. I’ve been picturing the two of them sitting there in that room since you wrote it, but just wasn’t able to write it… and I really wanted to bring out that side of Julia that I see… that friend who’s nearly abusive, but I don’t want to turn it into something cliche… I tell you a secret, you blab it around school. I had an ending in my head all ready but I realized that it was handing you the end too soon… and I’m having too much fun with this to let it end!
p.s. I don’t know if I achieved what I was going for, but when Julia gives examples of not good secrets, I kind of wanted to plant the seed that she knows more than she should… but shit that it doesn’t make sense that she’d know. Well, I guess the sister one she could know… but the dad one is so specific and so mean… and the way she says it? Like everyone already knows that, Nicole.
THAT was the line that made this work. It took this one step further than expected. I’m not sure if she was saying something about nicole there or about her own father
The line about the dad peeking really was brilliant: even though it was specific and mean, it could have been an indication of what was “common” for the girls. Maybe not even Nicole’s dad, maybe just Julia’s and she felt like she needed to berate Nicole to make herself feel better. Just my take on it, maybe. :)
S. Zee — would love to see a different sequel. Everyone – thanks for the comments. Tiphanie, you might recognize the first entry in this series (Schoo Bus) from an earlier 100words.com batch… but modified. Thanks for your comments… I don’t know if I’d call it brilliant, but I definitely accept it coming from you!