From the London Globe and Mail, November 4, 2009:
REUTERS — Top scientists and military are being called into London so as to devise a plan by which the extent of nuclear radiation on the Isles’ soil shall be minimalised.
The matter was tabled by Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth, and a task force greenlit by PM Gordon Brown has convened.
“Due to the North Atlantic Drift, the nuclear fallout will eventually arrive near our soils,” oceanographer Blaine Davidson explained. “There will be some additional accumulation from the south as well due to the French Current, although France and Portugal will be bearing the brunt of that material first. However, the radiation may still be dangerous enough to warrant mass evacuations of the Isles, or at least parts thereof.”
While Davidson cautioned that it still remains unknown as to what power the radiation would still have upon its arrival, he noted that officials are attempting to “prepare for the worst.”