
Captain Stephen

The General sat straight in his saddle. His cloak cast over his shoulders, his hands holding the bridle. A lieutenant from the vanguard of the column came riding to him and saluted.

“General Washington, sir. We have encountered an armed group of men, approaching the column.”

The General nodded and asked, “How many Hessians are there, sir?”

“They aren’t Hessians at all, sir. They’re militia. Here come their officers now.” Two men on bay horses rode up.

“General, allow me to present Captain Adam Stephen of the New Jersey Militia.”

“What have you done sir?” Gen. Washington said through clenched teeth.

“Well general, me and a few dozen of my boys are on our way back from raiding a hessian outpost a few miles yonder.”

The general erupted into a rage. “You sir! You sir, may have ruined all my plans by putting them on guard!”

Gen. Green turned to the commander, and spoke quietly. “Gen. Washington, if the hessians have been alerted, should we withdraw?”

“No sir, we cannot withdraw. We must advance."

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