Rolling them back
The Hessians were falling back in good order. They would fire and recover, then retreat a few dozen yards, turn and repeat. Our men reached the coopers shed and kept on advancing. Soon a second group of Hessians sallied forth from the town and joined the men we were pushing back. The advance paused for a moment, as though to consider this new impediment.
General Washington, turned and spoke to Hamilton. “Where is General Knox? We need his artillery.”
“He is there, on the field sir.”
Gen. Washington turned and could see an officer directing a battery of cannon into position. From his girth and uniform it couldn’t be any one but Knox. The American general in charge of all artillery in this army was laying the guns himself. Within seconds the cannon fired and ragged holes started appearing in the mass of Hessians.
The advance began again. Our bayonets glistening in the bright morning light. The men whooped and hollered and rushed at the Hessian. As the enemy fell back into town, the crossroads were ours.