

Every single time she walked towards him he had the same reaction.

His heart raced, his mind flipped into hyperactivity, his stomach did flips, his lips involuntarily curled into a mile wide grin, his hands sweated, he stuttered, and he began breathing faster.

Every time.

She had been gracing him with her gorgeous presence for years now, and nothing had changed. They aged together, her more gracefully than he, and his opinion of her beauty had only grown.

If someone had told him that he would get this kind of a rush from being in love, he’d have spent years chasing love and not combat.

Close quarters firefights, incoming artillery, hand to hand brawls, dropping out of aircraft, directing close air support, disarming bombs, high speed pursuits, and improvising explosive devices from crude homemade materials all paled in comparison to the rush she gave him.

She was a nice accounting executive in a nice safe office with a sunny disposition and absolutely no detection of the blood staining his hands.

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