Very nice and elegant piece of futurism. Also, big points for declining Apiarium correctly… Per always takes the accusative as I recall!
So glad my meager Latin may be serving me well. I actually studied Greek instead! :-)
love it, something about the bees and spaceships mix just does it for me look at me being all technical and helpful
love it, something about the bees and spaceships mix just does it for me
look at me being all technical and helpful
This was written at the request of a small child who loves both bees and giant robots.
that small child has good taste can i suggest giant bee robots for a sequel
that small child has good taste
can i suggest giant bee robots for a sequel
I will endeavor to make that happen.
I think its the direct humanity that it brings to something like Giant Robots, that always seem so far away to the commoner. Reminds me of Outlaw Star, in that sense. Very good job.
This story has been nominated for the ficly book.