

Part of it was envy, sure. You can’t grow up with nothing, down the road from so many who have everything, and not feel the supposed injustice of the world.

Another part of it was reality, I think. You see so many doing and taking what they want with little consequence. Public condemnation, sure, but no real results. They still ended up with what they wanted. Eventually, you wonder what’s stopping you.

So, a few years of gun and ammunition stockpiling later you meet some like-minded individuals. These individuals and yourself wonder why they can’t just take what they want. The reason, you collectively ascertain, is numbers.

The cards are too well stacked in the favor of the haves. Police. Military. Law. Heavy weaponry. Public opinion. And most of all, the will of the people are too firmly stacked against the have-nots.

Things change. People change. Opportunity presents itself.

Then one day, you’re acting instead of discussing actions. You have taken control of the world’s path.

Now is the time.

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