The newest wave of military technology has shifted the focus from equipment towards the actual soldier.
Why make lighter equipment when we can make stronger soldiers?
Why invest in advanced optics for weaponry when we can improve their eyes?
Why hone the killer instinct when we can induce it with chemicals?
The last question has been answered with RAADD. The Reflex Activated Adrenaline Disbursement Device seeks to counteract the paralyzing effects of fear. Any time a soldier finds himself in a high stress situation, the RAADD will flood his system with chemicals.
A small monitoring device is implanted at the base of the skull and linked with the RAADD. Once the soldier is in an appropriate situation, he merely has to concentrate. By thinking about a predetermined code-phrase, the RAADD will activate.
Once activated, adrenaline and other chemicals flood the soldier’s system. This turns the soldier into a fearless superhuman warrior capable of absorbing incredible amounts of damage.
Install one today.