I like the sort of twist ending, and the line about how Earth was when Buddha was in charge lol but brunch break should have only one set of parenthesis, like ‘brunch break’ because it’s already in a quote that someone said. It makes it easier for the reader :)
I guess Dad retires (hope he had some investments to live off of, or the son will support him) and son gets the riches. But who is the Boss? It’s an amusing office take on the omnipresent authority figures.
One minor quibble: the Hebrew/Christian/Muslim god (Yawheh or Jehova or tetragrammaton or what have you) goes back to thousands of years BC, while the Buddha only dates to perhaps 500 BC. (At least, the Buddha we all mean when we say Buddha. There are actually several historical buddhas.) Also, the Buddha, while being supremely enlightened, is not a deity. An Egyptian or Sumerian/Babylonian god would do in his place?
Of course, I’m quibbling way too much for a story with God crying over losing his job. :)
Just realised I haven’t actually yet commented on this! Really like it, whoever this Boss is I have an overpowering desire for him to be a holy version of Alan Sugar… Would God win The Apprentice?! Anyhoo, congrats on the feature… :)
I enjoyed reading this story as it is light-hearted and quirky. But i guessed who the ‘new kid’ was immediatley. For future reference, I would reccomend maybe making it less obvious so the reader has more of suprise at the end. But overall a great read!
Most people see the shift from the Old Testament God to the New Testament God as a shift from a fire-and-brimstone god of judgment to a more just and understanding god. So maybe instead of being lackadaisical and taking “brunch breaks,” he could be a bit too harsh? But yeah, I know, everyone’s a critic. Very creative story, regardless.
Raegan Dauterive
THX 0477
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Elliot Mason
Mostly Harmless
Red Cherry
Hypocrite Lecteur