
Volley fire

Officers on horseback rode to the edge of the orchard and began to shout commands. Hessians ran to them and began to form into lines. Some missing coats or wigs. I heard one officer shouting “Wo ist mein Kannon.” Confusion and uncertainty about what to do next was evident as their officers tried to take the situation in hand.

Smoke from musket fire between the buildings, and occasional window of the houses began to appear. More Hessians ran towards the orchard. I looked and saw one grey haired old man, in a second story window of one house, firing a musket at the enemy as they ran. I could see him shouting as he reloaded, but couldn’t hear what he said.

I hear the command “PRESENT”, and came back to what I was doing. I raised my musket to my shoulder and pulled the hammer to full cock. I aimed at one of the Hessian officers, who was shouting the loudest. On the command “FIRE”, I squeezed the trigger. A roar, like ripping cloth, went down the line and our targets were obscured in a white cloud of smoke.

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